Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Christina Applegate Talks To Ellen About Labor

I love how Ellen can get people to open up and talk about pretty much anything. Christina Applegate was a guest on the show and told Ellen all about what her experience in the labor room was like.

Ellen: Was it a hard labor or was it quick? Fast?
Christina: It was about 18 hours.
Ellen: That?s long.
Christina: It is long. I had my plan. Plans are a big joke, you know, [mine] was to have an epidural but I didn?t react to it well.
Ellen: What are you talking about?
Christina: I didn?t like it. I didn?t like the feeling of numbness. I didn?t like it. It was really creepy to me. It was too much so we turned it off and we opted for go all the way.
Ellen: Wow!
Christina: Feeling it all.
Ellen: How was that?
Christina: I like to say that I opted for it but they accidentally turned it off. �Laughs

Ellen: Was it painful?
Christina: It was profound. It was profound pain. And then that happens (pointing to photo of daughter). Just that moment, pulling her out and I dropped my gown which I don?t do. This part of my body is very private to me [her chest]?that?s a real private place. A place that I don?t have a good relationship with, let?s say. But at that moment of pulling her out and I just tore that thing [gown] off. There?s a room full of people that I don?t know. Nurses and doctors. And she and I just laid there. It was the best thing that?s every happened to me.
Ellen: That?s a beautiful moment.

How amazing for Christina. I think having a daughter will probably go a long way towards helping her feel healed.

Main photo by Michael Rozman/Warner Bros, thumbnail photos by Fame.

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Source: http://www.imnotobsessed.com/2011/02/22/christina-applegate-talks-to-ellen-about-labor/

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