Wednesday, February 16, 2011

afternoon headlines

Vanessa Hudgens

AMANDA SEYFRIED - moved into a new house today, but without the help of her boyfriend Ryan Phillipe. Probably because he was busy hitting on Rihanna. But what do you expect, he?s not magic, he can?t be in two places at once. Be reasonable. (

GLEE - has only been on the air for 2 seasons, but they?ve now had 113 songs on the Billboard Top 100, breaking the previous record of 108, held by Elvis. Hopefully this little fact won?t get mentioned in a Memphis hate crime trial at some point. (e!)

HALLE BERRY - and her ex Gabriel Aubry have reached an amicable custody arrangement for their daughter. At least that?s what the headline implied. I got pretty bored after that. (huff post)

VANESSA HUDGENS - gets it. Even in New York, in February, she still wears really short dresses that show off her legs. But not too short. Hopefully someone was nice enough to point out that you can?t see her vagina, even if you look really hard. I bet she would appreciate that.

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