Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Halle Berry is in a custody battle


Halle Berrys break up with Gabriel Aubrey seemed amicable enough, they were both real nice and seemed to have something worked out to share custody of their daughter, but now take whatever the exact opposite of those words are and add lots of profanity. E! says?

?She has attempted to resolve these custody issues amicably with her daughter?s father, Gabriel Aubry, directly, but given his lack of cooperation, Halle has no choice but to seek swift judicial intervention.?
?Halle has serious concerns for her daughter?s well-being while in the care of her father for any extended period of time and is prepared to take all necessary steps to protect her,? Berry?s rep says. The actress ?has always made the needs and safety of her daughter her first priority and, both while Halle and Gabriel were a couple and since their breakup, Halle has only acted in her daughter?s best interest.?

Aww. I feel bad for their daughter. She?s the real victim in all this. Other than being so supernaturally beautiful that she?s probably gonna turn into a beam of pure radiant energy at puberty, her life is falling apart.

(image source = pacific coast)

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Source: http://www.wwtdd.com/2011/02/halle-berry-is-in-a-custody-battle/

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